A meeting has been arranged for all who are interested in various aspects of Fun Raising for St. Augustine’s. This will take place in the Sacristy on Wednesday 13th June at 7pm. Please come along and show your support and share ideas for future events.

If it is your Birthday this month why not add your name in the booklet at the back of church. Mass will be celebrated for your birthday intentions on the last Sunday of the month. On your birthday, we pray that God continue to pour out his blessings into your life and to the people…

ST FILUMENA’S COMMUNITY SUPPORT GROUP – There will be Social Afternoons, at the Presbytery, with various activities, including tea and biscuits, on Monday afternoons from 13:30 to 15:30 commencing February 5th

St Filumena’s Community Support Group – The Autumn Fayre raised £1,283.89 and together with donations totalling £110 the total for the event is £1,393.89. Many thanks for all the hard work put in before, during and after the event and all who supported the day!!

St Augustine’s Christmas Raffle – Tickets are now available for this year’s Christmas Raffle. This year’s tickets will be sold at £1.00 each. The First Prize is £150; there are many other prizes. Please support this event!

The month of October is a good time to re-evaluate the place the Rosary has in our lives. Many great popes, saints, and Christian leaders have exhorted us to pray the rosary. It is a powerful prayer, they say, one that can change your life, strengthen the family, bring peace to the world, convert entire…

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